The people have the right to know everything that the government knows.
The people own the government. If it is the government’s business, it’s the people’s business.
If it is a secret to the people, then it is not of the government.
In this office, as in all other offices that I may ever seek or hold, I will refuse ALL privileged or secret correspondence. If the information comes to me in the office, I will publish it. All of it. Immediately. 100% of all correspondence of this office and any other office I ever hold will be published. It doesn’t matter if it is interesting or not, you have the right to look at it and decide for yourself. It’s your government.
I will never, under any circumstances, seek or accept any sort of government clearance for secret information. If I am required to keep something secret, then I will announce who it is that required of me, what precisely they required, and the authority under which they required.